In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
The Earth was a perfect creation, with flawless
humans, Adam and Eve. However, as the story goes, Eve committed the first sin, which God predicted, and thus created a sinful
God still has his mercy, however, and allows for
a path to Heaven. He created sin for human beings to have a choice of what they wanted to do, in everything they do, because
He loves them all.
upon a time before the day of humans, there existed no evil. The angel Lucifer, however, soon became a fallen angel. He now
lives in Hell.
choices came to Earth, Lucifer wanted to draw humans to him.
legends say that a vampire is a being that is half human, half demon.
are not allowed on Earth. Lucifer created vampires, however, as a way to get around that—because humans that do not
choose the path of God are not protected from evil.
allowed this creation by maintaining a human’s soul in such a being, enabling them to still choose the path of good
vs. evil.
A human
that is not saved is not protected from vampires, or evil of any kind. Therefore, they can be transformed by consent or without
A Christian is different. They have to choose the immortality.
A vampire has no power if they refuse.