I guess some promises are made to be broken. I guess the people you
wanna believe in you can't always, and I guess you can't always trust the people you want to; even when you wanna trust them
with everything you have.
Life's not a damn box of chocolates.....it's more like a blender...
People make mistakes, but there's a difference between making a mistake
and a stupid mistake. The difference is simple: When you make a mistake, you don't know any better until after. When you make
a stupid mistake, you already freakin' know better.
It's not warsh it's wash. It's not tater, it's potato. It's not mater,
it's tomato. And it's not ya'll it's you all. It's not ain't it's isn't. It's not "I drunk" it's "I drank"....But no one's
gonna listen to you anyway because life's too short to worry about proper grammar I guess.
Look mom, I can sing! I can dance! And oh! I can fall and break my
It's not necessarily whether you enjoyed it or not.....it's more
like......whether you gained or lost anything from it or not.
Ya kinda need someone to be your rock sometimes because you're in
too many breakable pieces you need something strong to hold you up...and you can't always find it in yourself.
Don't lose yourself......remember where you put yourself!
You know you're in love when you miss him so damn much you can't
stand it.....and he just left!
Experiences are individual to all people. All painful experiences
are still painful though.
It's only your place to tell somebody something where it's not your
place when the person who's place it is to tell won't.
When all is lost....still have hope. It's a bitch, it's the hard
way....but it's worth it.
What does it mean when someone not only can't leave a message on
an answering machine, but, they won't even let it ring long enough for the caller id to show up?
Who died and made you king? It must have been a rat.
When you can't make sense of it.....you know it's real.
Cussing is a sin, but there are worse problems I could have. Trust
Regreting something every day after is bad. Regreting something before
it's done is stupid.
Pain is real. The only way to end it is to face it. Numbing it won't
help. Hiding won't help. And bottling it up won't help either.
Cussing here.....ass.....cussing there......shit.......but I haven't
done anything worse. I guess I'm good. Damn, I need to quit though. I sound like a bitch.
I can type faster than you can talk. Okay, just as fast....well.....you
talk pretty fast.....hmmm.....but I type pretty fast too. I wonder which is more annoying?
Am I a comedian? Or am I just bored and stupid?
If disrespect was a crime...you'd be on death row!
So what if I don't know as much as you. I'm not you, therefore I
don't learn things the same rate as you.
You know you really love someone when you miss them when they're
gone.....and when the thought of losing them forever hurts you more than anything they could ever say in a fight.
Don't give to anyone who isn't willing to give back.
Good or bad, whatever happens to you, life is full of things worth
living for on every path.
Love is something you have to wait for.
To find the right person, you have to get hurt by a few wrong persons. That way when you find the right person, you won't
hurt them and you'll love them even more.
Some people make mistakes. Sometimes the
hardest thing you have to do for yourself is to forgive those mistakes.
Did you ever love someone you just couldn't
trust? And get left in between knowing your fate?
Don't we have to believe in something?
Does it really matter if there is a God or not, as long as have religious faith is technically what can lead us in the best
direction? Don't get me wrong...I believe in God...but I can't prove he exists. But Christianity is something.....something
that's saved me. Isn't that the best thing about it?