Well, my webpage designing hobbie began with expage.com. It started off with a page by the
link of expage.com/angelgirl9, and it stretched. I made a poetry page by the link of expage.com/gurlpoetry. The more pages
I made the more I became addicted. I loved it. I made opinion pages, sites about things I liked, whatever came to mind. I
got involved in my abortion opinion from it. It was awesome. It really was. To view any old websites of mine, check the links
below. I now think I have the complete collection.
Note: All the old sites have NOT been updated, so the email addresses are old. I have had
many. Only use the address I put on here for reference.
Also note: Some sites may be shut down or may not load do to the lack of visitation.
Sites with Other people
Celebrity Websites
Hope you enjoyed!
Note: Most of these links I think don't really exist. For the ones who do, I have not updated
the email address because BELIEVE ME I've gone through several.