Becoming Anything Takes Time: A Diary

Webpage History (with old & new links)

Blog of Life
Body Image, Dieting and Eating Disorders
Fan Fiction
Jess the Journalist Blog
Tough Stuff, Poetry 2001-2006
Hard Choices, Poetry 2006-2007
Short Stories: The issue of Cutting, 2004
Shiloh Mini Series 2004
Short Stories 2006-2007
Novel Excerpts
In Memory: You're Never Forgotten
This and That
About Me: Different times Different identities
Webpage History (with old & new links)
High School Forever
Find me on Facebook

This is kind of a collection I decided to keep up for now to show my webpage history, in case some of these links actually exist. If not, at least you get a little bit of a variety of things I've done, and may do again.

Well, my webpage designing hobbie began with It started off with a page by the link of, and it stretched. I made a poetry page by the link of The more pages I made the more I became addicted. I loved it. I made opinion pages, sites about things I liked, whatever came to mind. I got involved in my abortion opinion from it. It was awesome. It really was. To view any old websites of mine, check the links below. I now think I have the complete collection.
Note: All the old sites have NOT been updated, so the email addresses are old. I have had many. Only use the address I put on here for reference.
Also note: Some sites may be shut down or may not load do to the lack of visitation.
Sites with Other people
Celebrity Websites
Hope you enjoyed!
Note: Most of these links I think don't really exist. For the ones who do, I have not updated the email address because BELIEVE ME I've gone through several.

This concludes my history and complete collection of my webpage design history. It is an addiction. A passion. Something that helped me know myself better, as well as other people.