All These Girls
Got all these girls
They want to have your baby
They're all around you
want you
That doesn't mean I do
Don't you ever feel lonely
or even disgraced?
I bet you've never been turned down
since you're so popular
They want to have your baby
I don't even want to talk
You seem, to me, too self-centered
I don't think you'll ever know love
I just feel so sorry, though
You have no idea how bad you really have it
these girls
Not one you care about
All these girls
not one who really knows you
Time just keeps on going
Sometimes you just want to stop
And wonder why for everything
the moment you choose to will be forgotten
And people will live, people will die
People will make choices
And time
will fly
You only learn you have yourself
And that's the only person
you really have to accept
So you'll learn,
so you'll grow
And the rest will be memories
No one's who I know now
It's only me
'cause everything is changing
left I know
It's all a new world, now
It's a living Hell
I don't care if you're mad
I've gotta fet through this
Somehow I have to know
why I'm here
I have to know what it's for
I can't know it with pleasing you
There's nothing left for us, now
Throw that out the door
Along with all your lies
the truth about you
I don't want to remember you now
I guess that's the point of "ex"
I don't want
to stress over you
But there's still some things I miss
And the exclusive part that made me feel good
Although you
took that from me
So I had to let you go
I don't regret my choices
They're all good choices
Unlike some people
I know
And you know the blame is all on you
Don't ever try to deny it
I just wish I could forget you
I'd like
to skip to not loving you anymore
Just Be
It's not like anything matters anymore
You're gone and that's what I have to face
just iwsh you'd left before making an imprint
An imprint on my heart
It's not like caring about you really matters
you know that never is enough
It takes so much to make something work
than I even know how to do
It's not like I
need to cry
Crying's somethinbg I've done over you before
It's not like anything's right anyway
Right now I just
have to learn
I can only rely on myself
And that's who we're stuck with
So rely on yourself
And then I guess we
can just be
The Only Thing
The only thing that keeps us going
is yelling back and forth
The only thing that
keeps us communicating
is the fact that we each must have the last word
So the only thing is te fights that cause pain
they're getting old
So the only thing that'll keep us alive
is the strength we have to let go
Just Because I Love You
Just because I love you
doesn't mean I'll lose my dignity completely
just to not
lose a day with you
Sure, I love you more than anything
But I also love myself
And if you loved me to, you'd car
you really love me
And if you loved yourself
You'd do a lot for me
even fight temptations to respect me
even do me some favors
And try to give me the best life
Because I'd do the same for you
You know it
Just because
I love you
I'd sacrifice a lot
I just won't sacrifice so much
if you won't do the same
Don't Bring Me Down
I'm not feeling bad today
I'm finally over everything
This day could be a good
This day could make my life
So don't be looking at me like that
Don't make me feel alone
Don't cause me to
lose this security
that took so long to get back
Don't bring me down
Don't even try
Please I'm begging you
don't want to go back to that
Not today, not ever
But especially not today
I truly can't stand it
I need this
day and my dignity
I don't need to be brought down
What He Does
He turns me on with a passion
No one could ever say
isn't from sincere attraction
makes me feel this way
that's like I'm captured
And there's no escape
Nor would I want there to be
He touches
me with a sensation
that I'm never gonna want to leave
He makes me feel perfect
And he makes me feel complete
doesn't make me wish I was elsewhere
And he doesn't make me feel bad
He just makes me feel it, lust or love
I can't
escape it
And that's why I love it
Day 1
Day 1 feels so familiar
of how I was once alone without you
I loved you before
you loved me
if that was even true
It's not like you didn't know that
I guess you just
didn't care
But this feels so familiar
I'm all alone, and you're on my mind
I can't just let you back in
You stole my trust for you
And now our dreams, they
are gone
Now we know it's not meant to be
A part of me is glad, though
I'm free to start anew
have the rest of my life ahead of me
My whole life at that
I don't have to learn later
that you can't care enough
Day 1 is a beginning
I'm still not giving up
I Really Just Want
I really just want you to know
I think so little of you now
And I hope you feel
I really just want you to know
I never once lied
Like you did
I really just hope you know
You just lost something
I never wanted to lose you,
I really wanna know
if you ever meant anything
Because you really messed this
whether you wanted to or not
No Choice
Right now you leave me no choice
But to change everything we know
I wish things
could be like they were
But you blew this
There's nothing left to say
Unless you'll admit everything
But I doubt
you will
So here it is
I loved you
But you didn't love me
You Will Never
You will never have
what you really wanted
Because I know better
than to give
everything away
You will live without me
And something good you lost
I just wish your words wouldn't lie
So then
maybe we'd have a chance
You will never love me
Because you never have
But, still, I'm here, alone now
And you
won't get to be here
Here I am thinking of you
And the things I have to leave behind
Life sucks sometimes
and so do guys
I don't understand why you would do this
You made me promises
that I believed you'd keep
You messed
this up
I hope you hurt
But jerks only cause pain
Who are you and what should I think of you
You broke my trust and now I don't know
What did I do to deserve what you're doing
Quit blaming people other than yourself
I didn't plan on you, or ask
You came and did something to me
That's all it is
it can't go further
I just want you to feel so bad
I want you to dispear
But a part of me still needs
to love you
So I can still breathe
I'm really sick of people making me cry
Do you get a kick out of it?
Why do I
have to hurt so much?
What did I do wrong?
I'm sick of everyone changing
And giving my heart away just be to broken
nothing more that I'd like
than to know I don't have to be alone at night
To have someone who could hold my life
wouldn't let anything slip away
But I can't find anyone
who I can really trust
So I'm alone, in my room
And because
of you I gotta cry
Because I can't get over you
'cause I'm in love with you
And that's the way it is
So leave,
please, just let me be
Unless you can take this away
And feel it for yourself instead
Time just keeps on going
Sometimes you just want to stop
And wonder why for everything
the moment you choose to will be forgotten
And people will live, people will die
People will make choices
And time
will fly
You only learn you have yourself
And that's the only person
you really have to accept
So you'll learn,
so you'll grow
And the rest will be memories
No one's who I know now
It's only me
'cause everything is changing
left I know
It's all a new world, now
It's a living Hell
I don't care if you're mad
I've gotta fet through this
Somehow I have to know
why I'm here
I have to know what it's for
I can't know it with pleasing you
There's nothing left for us, now
Throw that out the door
Along with all your lies
the truth about you
Never Thought
I always wanna protect
Everyone I love
Especially the ones I've known so long
And sometimes that really sucks
I just wish I could make them see
The world, through my eyes
I wish they knew, or cared how I felt
Maybe then I'd be all right
It's not fair for me to feel
Pain and anger because one friend
lights a cigarette
or took a drink for the first time
Although I never thought they would
Please don't judge me
I want you to like me
Please don't hate me
I'm sorry I said that
Let me know you
Please just care
You look like you need a friend
As much as I do right now
Nobody Knows
Nobody knows what it's like
to be the girl that I am
All the morals, maturity
And what you all put me through
Nobody knows that it hurts
Nobody wants to care
And no one can do
One little thing
About how I feel right now
She's Dying
Can you please help her?
She's dying quickly, all depressed
She wanted friends, she wanted love
Sh wanted happiness
But, no, rejection is so evil
So now the drugs are kicking
Illegal use of marijuana
will one day take her to the grave
She's dying quickly, no one will help her
Because they don't realize
Too caught up in their own lives
or their own drug use to really care
Please Stop
Please stop doing what you're doing
Don't smoke anymore
Stop drinking, or whatever
I'm sick of watching you fall
There's so much more to life
than what you're letting yourself see
Just stop this; You're better
Just as good as me
If you love me,
please find the strength
to stop, for me
Here's a Good Girl's Promise
Here's a good girl's promise
That she'll care about what you're doing
And she
may get ticked off
But it's just because she's scared
A good girl's promise
that she'll care about a guy
And she'll
give her best to the relationship
You just can't push her
A promise of a good girl
that she'll turn down the bad
And sometimes she freaks
It just means she has morals
A good girl's promise
That she won't give in
when you do, she'll worry
And in fights, she might say things she doesn't mean
Here's a good girl's promise
she'll love you, for you
And she'll stand by you
And she'll stand for herself
All at the same time
I won't sing
what I don't believe in
I won't do what I know is wrong
And I'll regret
I won't compromise who I am to fit in
I can't be a diva, maybe my CD will flop
But I'll still be me, holding strong, and doing what I love
A Poem
Here's a poem for the sad ones
The ones who have it tough
You can't forget your
And you can't say you don't have it rough
Here's a poem for the happy ones
The ones who have it good
Nobody's perfect
remember what you should
Here's a poem for the outsiders
The ones who hide away
You're no less than the
So never go astray
Here's a poem for the preppy ones
The ones who think they're better
You're no
better than the other ones
Remember: We're all human
Here's a poem for the suicides
The ones who gave up
I only wish I could have helped
or that someone else could
Here's a poem for the gothic ones
The ones who are different
People fear what
they don't understand
So let your message be sent
Here's a poem for the lovers
The ones in love
Remember you are blessed
be able to love
Here's a poem for the statistics
The ones who died with others
The death of a
million is just a statistic to many
But don't forget: You had a purpose
Here's a poem for the crazy ones
The ones who think outside the box
Never let
yourself be put down
Because you can change the world
Here's a poem for the childish ones
The ones who don't act their age
Don't be
afraid to have the spirit of a kid
But also, know when to be serious
Here's a poem for the celebrities
The ones with fame, but not all happy
forget your fans
Don't forget the other people
Other people: Don't forget: They're human too.
Here's a poem for the fans
The ones who admire
Never be ashamed of who you are
deny it
Here's a poem for the people
The ones who are each special
in their own way
forget the ones who aren't like you
And don't forget the ones who are gone
Remember them each as a person
things are crazy in this world
But, one by one, people can make a difference
I'll Cry
I'm sitting here
Thinking about what happened
And crying my eyes out
All those
innocent people
killed in an instant
All because those terrorists were jealous
They planned it out so carefully
And got onto those planes
America: Not knowing
it was too late
So I'll cry for those people
And let it all out tonight
Because what I feel is
not selfishness
Like many might think I am
-Dedicated to all the people affected by September 11
I'm sorry...
Written 11/21/02
If I ever put anything before you
If I ever made you cry
If I ever doubted you
it ever seemed like I wasn't on your side
If I ever broke a promise
If I was never true
If you never felt that I
care about you
If I ever abandoned you
If I ever hurt you
If I never gave enough
If I ever made it a lie
uou ever didn't know that I'd die for you
And I'd take all your pain
If I ever didn't prove myself
If there was nothing
for you to gain
I'm sorry, I'll tell you
I never meant to cause you pain
Tell me what I can do
to help heal your
Know I try my best
I'll protect you
I'll be there
Whenever you need me
Just know I have the will
be someone for you
Know I care
and I won't let you down
This is Us
Dedicated to my friend, Tara
Written 12/8/02
This one's for all the things we've been through
All the fights and all the laughs
the tears and smiles
You and I were put together
Day by day, we build
Some kind of friendship
that just fits
it's fate--it fits
You and I were put together
And we were meant to be
We're each unique--our own persons
that tries to fight
But we work it out; we win
We solve, we stand, we conquer
And we both know who's there
I hope,
I pray, "we" last forever
Even long after our time
For our friendship is true
And we care about each other
No lies
So this one's for the past 2 years
This one's for it all
This one's for you, Tara
Thanks for
it all
Because you never had to
and I wasn't always worth it
Maybe I wasn't always perfect
Maybe I wasn't always
But I tried, and I promise you
I'll continue
No matter what
This is our Story
Dedicated to my friend, Rachel
Written 12/8/02
At the start, we laughed and smiled
We got along just fine
I met you through another
I always thought you were cool
But slowly the tables turned
And the words, they started to burn
For your
mouth gave nothing friendly
Nothing friendly to me
I finally couldn't take it
I ended it then and there
Most of
it's a blur, now
But somehow you started to care
You began to sacrifice
and I easily forgave
Even though you hurt
I gave you another chance
You went against your other friends's wishes
You risked losing them, most
All for
And to this day, I still don't know why
Somehow we survived the year
Being friends--more than ever
I taught
you how words can hurt
and you taught me what life is worth
Later, we started high school
Today, we still deal
dealt with pain and sorrow
We dealt with the fear of tomorrow
We stood by each other
and we still do today
life tests us--but we can find our way
Life's confusing, but we'll be okay
Life's a game, but we can win
And I promise
you now
If it ends tomorrow
and 6 months later you need someone
You can still come back
and I'll be there
long as I live, no matter what
This is our poem
This is our time
This is our story, our life
Wanna Stay
Don't wanna be alone
Don't wanna lose a care
Don't really wanna change
--Don't wanna go there--
Don't wanna have to lose
Don't wanna have to cry
Don't wanna go forward
Don't wanna be left behind
Don't really wanna try it
Don't really wanna hurt
Don't wanna leave my world
--as I know it, now--
Don't wanna face it
Don't wanna have to shift
Don't wanna transform
Wanna stay, just like this
Losing and Letting
I'm losing myself
I'm losing my truth
I'm losing my true ways
over you
I'm letting you hurt me
And I'm letting you take control
Because witrhout you,
I am alone
You're all I have
So I lose and I let
As I let, I lose
And it's not supposed to be worth it
I should find a way out
But I choose not to
I choose this
Because I'm alone unless I do
And I can't take being alone
I'm only 16, and I'm losing everything
For this:
No independence
And no more normality
I'm being controled
Seduced and confused
Brainwashed and redone
And I chose it
This is it
This is my life
Not my dream,
just my life
I Won't Play
I refuse to play your immoral game
I won't fall like you did
You all put these things in your life
When you're not ready
You only think
that you're so much older, now
So much more mature, now
So ready--so right
When you don't have a clue
You waste yourselves
And I'd fit to play
But, I won't
I stand for this
You stand for nothing
And I'll be the one saying:
"I told you so"
And you'll be the one crying
Wishing you were me
And I'll have lived to the fullest
I'll have lived for me.
Dear God
Dear God
I'm not feeling so well today
I think it's what I've done
Dear God
I'm a broken teenager
who wanted to have some fun
Dear God
I've been living crazily
And I know that it's not right
Dear God
my mind is bad
It should ache for every bad thought
so, then, I'd learn a lesson
Dear God
I think so wrong
I'm lost with what to do
Dear God
I don't feel good
so, I'll ask you if I could
Dear God
if you would, please remember
who I am
Dear God
I need help
But with you I'll find the way
Every day can seem like an endless war
When you're growing up a teen
And it all seems like you need to look better constantly
And it's so hard to believe
that what matters is who you are inside
It's okay to not be "perfect"
'cause you're as perfect as you need to be
It's all right to cry from time to time
And not everybody eats right
or sees what they wanna see in the mirror
It's not right that it's gotta hurt
and feel like it does
It's not right that they convince you that
you gotta be perfect
Nobody's perfect
It hurts and it sucks
But you can't let them drain you
of everything you are
'cause that is what matters
Could It Be?
Could it be that I'm not who I was then?
Could it be that I'm okay?
So many bad memories of you
and the pain you dared to cause
So much to want to forget
And more to forget
Sometimes in life you gotta do
something for yourself
to remember who you are
to be who you are
'cause you only live once
Sometimes it's just the way it's gotta be
And that's the only explanation sometimes
Could it be that I'm not who I was then?
Could it be that I'm really okay?
Always waiting for me to call the shots
Always for me to be your servant
Well, I can't let you get away with it
'cause this ain't workin' for me
It's not right that you use me
for your kicks
Please acknowledge that I'm a person
Put your priorities away
And listen to me when I say
"It's over"
when I let you know that I need more
I need respect
And a little more equality
And less treatment like one of your tools
No more of this will do for me
I'm outa here
'cause you're
Always treatin' me like a servant
like something less than your girlfriend
I won't take it anymore
Will I ever find love
or was it just not meant for me?
No guy could ever "click" with me,
it seems
Crushes given up
Maybe the rest should be too
Maybe it's just a false fantasy
or whatever
or I'm just skipped in the pannel of fate
Maybe I'll be okay with not knowing
Maybe I'm right
Maybe I'm wrong
who knows
Less than a loving and more than a heartbreak
Close to a heartache and more than a loss
Derived frm my worst fears
And my nightmares come true
That's what I'm feeling when I think of you
Half humanity and a dignity's loss
Far from happiness, close to sadness
Mostly depression with a strong feeling of being alone
Calling more smiles with tears falling: more than two
That's what it feels like when I think of you
Than You
You gave up a good thing
And that let's me know
how mature you really are
how smart you really are
And that I'm so much better than you
You gave us up
with a silence that could break the world
let alone a heart
You showed me who you really were
with every drop of pain
Every few, I got a little more truth
That you would have never said
You gave up such a good thing
Now I know
that I'm so much better
To think I thought you were special
My choices are so much better
than yours
And that's the truth
I'm better than you
I see the weakness in those who look so tough
'Cause they rebel
They want to think they're so tough
especially when they put you through
a living hell
It's not right that wrong is cooler
And so many are confused
But I am so much stronger
'Cause my choices are more mature
I'll be fine as long as I got me
But will they when they detach themselves
not thinking of what will happen?
Real You
I see the real you, now
You should have known you couldn't hide it forever
You should have fessed up
Did you not wanna lose me?
Is that why you lied?
I won't lie
You probably would have
'cause I can't hang out with people like you
Were you scared to say it?
Scared I'd be mad?
Were you just afraid of being alone?
Maybe you'll never admit it
But maybe you were
Why didn't you think we'd die, anyways?
'Cause things were obvious
I just trusted you
I guess you were just to weak to handle
especially reality
Silence is a virtue
and patience is too
Nothing'd come between us
Then, nothing we could do
You are I are nothing
Now, forever, it will be
'Cause I thought we were something more
when we were something less
And now we're left with nothing
Both our faults, I guess
That Person
I know that you hate me
for reasons I know not
I know that you should be sorry
while you're not
getting "hot" behind my back
Never knowing you were that person
that person who'd do to someone
who believed they were everything
That person who thought she had something good
then was left, all alone
Not Meant to Be
Call the world all it's badness
Call my heart stone cold
But I will still believe
that I did what I had to do
Call my life my own board game
And call me something bad
Say I won't give myself
Say that I don't know what I have
Call my fault for your slacking
Take every bad choice on me
But I know what's right and wrong
And me and you weren't meant to be
You say that I am controling
I say you're being dumb
You say I don't know what I'm missing
I say you're choices are all dumb
You say I am hiding
I say I'm telling the truth
You say I don't give my all
I say I give a strong tribute
You say I'm losing everything
I say it's not what you think
Love is in my heart
And my truth isn't in the sink
Do not Judge Me
Call me crazy
But are you staring?
Do I look like a sign?
Scanning my outfit
by the look on your face
you think I should hide
But I wanna be who I'm gonna be
Take it easy day by day
And you have no right to judge me
You don't even know me
And you think it's okay
My world is fine
My life I've built
So point your eyes in the direction
of your own mirror--
See if you're there
Maybe you're the one who's insecure